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Strengthen Your Network

Updated: May 2

Lisa Askins - Executive Coach | Speaker & Educator

Whether you're working a job you love or looking for your next fulfilling opportunity, it's always beneficial to strengthen your network. Here are ways to help you nurture and grow your professional connections.

3 Steps to Nurture Your Network

Identify Your Advocates: Advocates are people who know you, are familiar with your work, and appreciate both. You can use LinkedIn as your primary resource to make a list of your advocates, including their title and current company. Once you have your list, rank your advocates in order of importance.

Make Contact: Reach out to your advocates on a Friday to schedule a virtual coffee, lunch, or brief chat. If you haven't connected recently, send a short message asking how they're doing.

Next Step: Make connecting a weekly event and expand your efforts to other online communities. 

3 Steps to Grow Your Network

Join a Professional Organization: Look for an alumni or professional organization with a significant chapter presence in your area. This is a great way to grow your network and connect with people in person.

Join a Club: Pursue your interests and passions by joining a group or club. If you don't have anything specific in mind, join an organization that focuses on giving back.

Next Step: Recognize the value of social gatherings and commit to saying "yes" when invited.

Executive Coaching to develop your leadership.

Career Coaching to strategize your career.

Power Camp Retreats to expand your professional presence.

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